Friday, May 27, 2011

School is ending.

I'll be finishing school very soon. I'll be part of the Portland State University class of 2011 with a Bachelor of Arts: Drawing, Painting, Printmaking.
I'm really proud that I've been able to come this far, and I'm thankful to everyone who has been so supportive over the years.

However, this also means that I'm not going to have the access to tools I've had these last many years.

The Portland Art Museum has started allowing photographs, and I'm planning on making a post about their last exhibition. See you guys soon!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Winter coming to a close

I'm horrible about updating this blog. Seriously. I need to post more often. This is ridiculous. Anyway.
Winter has been horrible across the US this year, but we have had it pretty good in Portland. Blue skies and minimal rainfall this winter, which is odd considering we were supposed to have sticking snow and horrible weather all season. That doesn't mean it hasn't been cold...

We scoped out apartments this winter, but we ended up staying where we are. We love it here in the Pearl, and here we will be at least until I graduate from PSU.
Speaking of which, I only have a couple classes left to go before I am able to apply for graduation! The question is: Do I attend the formal ceremony or skip it?

Things are starting to warm up around here. I'm going out more often, which means I'm frequenting thrift stores and sales more often. My desire to wear something other than just jeans and a shirt is coming back as well...

I'm going to really try to take more fashion snaps this year. I'm really working on it.
That's it for now. More posting later. I promise.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Winter 2k10 and New Years!

I'm listening to the Les Mis soundtrack again, reminiscing over the last year. Overall, I was more than ready for this year to get here. I want to turn over some new leaves and make some changes.

This winter has been a cold one here in Portland, but it's been reasonably dry and beautiful. The tree in Pioneer Courthouse Square had strobe bulbs this year, just like every other tree around. At the very least it wasn't a silver tree like all the others. Holiday Tree Trends.

My biggest goals for 2k11:
- Japan!
- (Hopeful fingers-crossed) Graduating with my BA degree from PSU!
- Putting together a wardrobe that has more "me" in it.

Also, a lot of clothing retailers are changing seasons soon, so keep a look out for Spring Fashion right around the corner! This includes H&M.
In the mean time, everyone keep warm!

Bonus: Now THIS is a music video